Structural configuration and meaning of the adjective suffixes -ivo and -dor



This paper shows that the Spanish adjective suffixes -ivo and -dor, usually considered synonymous, are specialized when attaching to a verbal base. In some cases, these bases are different, and, in many others, they attach to the same base, but each suffix selects a different verbal reading. Specifically, the suffix -dor selects eventive verbal bases and/or verbal readings with an agentive initiator, while the suffix -ivo is specialized for stative verbal bases and/or verbal readings with a non-agentive initiator. This selection determines that the adjectives suffixed by -dor develop a habitual reading (hombre madrugador ‘morning man’) or an episodic one (atleta ganador ‘winning athlete’) and the adjectives in -ivo, on the contrary, tend to a dispositional interpretation (comida nutritiva ‘nutritive food’). Likewise, adjectives in -dor have more verbal properties than adjectives with -ivo, so that they can inherit the arguments of the verbal base and they accept verbal modifiers, both possibilities are ruled out for derived adjectives with -ivo. The semantic, syntactic, and morphological differences of these adjectives are explained from the different structural configuration in which they are generated.


Derivational morphology, Deverbal adjectives, Suffix rivalry, Synonymy

Author Biographies

M.ª Ángeles Cano-Cambronero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: M.ª Ángeles Cano Cambronero (, Departamento de Didáctica de las Lenguas, Artes y EF, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, España.

Josefa Martín-García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Josefa Martín García (, Departamento de Filología Española, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, España.


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