The influence of Kichwa in Ecuadorian Andean Spanish: the case of the morpheme -ka



Ecuadorian Andean Spanish (EAS) has been in intense and sustained contact with Kichwa, a variety of Quechua spoken in Ecuador. Different studies have shown the influence of Kichwa in this variety of Andean Spanish at different levels, such as lexical, phonetic/ phonological, morphosyntactic, and pragmatic (Bustamante 1991; Haboud 1998, 2018; Palacios 2005, 2007; Haboud y de la Vega 2008; Pfänder y Palacios 2013; Muysken 2019). Although morphological influence of Kichwa over EAS is minimal, there is evidence of the use of the Kichwa morpheme -ka in both Kichwa-Spanish bilinguals and Spanish monolinguals (Lipski 2014; Muysken 2019). Nevertheless, no previous study analyzes the presence of this particle in the speech of EAS monolinguals. Thus, the present study offers a preliminary analysis about the distribution and discourse role of -ka in the speech of EAS monolinguals from the city of Ambato (EAS Ambateño). The data was obtained through sociolinguistic interviews and fieldwork notes collected between 2018 and 2019. The results show that EAS monolinguals from Ambato use -ka with different constituents (e.g., pronouns, nouns, adverbs, verbs, conjunctions). Regarding its role in the discourse, it is argued that -ka is a particle that evokes contrast (contrastive focus). Since we are in a language contact scenario, it is of the utmost importance to consider social, historical, and demographic factors of the city of Ambato along with the background of the speakers in order to understand the dynamics of the languages (Kichwa and Spanish) and try to find a possible answer to how this particle was incorporated in the speech of EAS monolinguals from Ambato.


language contact, kichwa, Ecuadorian Andean Spanish, focus

Author Biography

Christian Puma Ninacuri, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Christian Puma Ninacuri (, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Spanish and Portuguese Program. 161 Presidents Dr., Herter Hall 4th floor, Amherst, Massachusetts, 01003.