In the present work we will approach the analysis of a phenomenon of variation of Spanish in contact with Quechua from the theoretical perspective of Contact Linguistics. We will analyze the innovative functions of the marker ya también in an oral corpus compiled in the province of Cuzco, Peru. In the corpus, ya también is used as a marker that possess the inclusion and ordering values of the adverb también, as well as the update of a change or new information and emphasis that have been indicated for the adverb ya in Spanish (Delbecque 2006; Deloor 2011; Garrido 1993; Girón Alconchel 2011). On the other hand, it has developed innovative values as a discursive marker since it behaves as a focuser to address the interlocutor’s attention to certain new or added information in the conversation, or in the narration of events that contrasts with previous information. We postulate that the observed phenomenon is a contact induced change with the Quechua language that has emerged from the exploitation of the linguistic resources available to the bilingual speaker, especially in those areas in which he perceives similarities in both languages, creating thus innovative communication strategies that allow a more effective interaction (Jarvis & Pavlenko 2008; Palacios 2013; Palacios & Pfänder 2014).
Language Contact, Contact Induced Change, Discourse Marker, Andean Spanish
Author Biography
Ana Isabel García Tesoro, Universidad de Antioquia
Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Ana Isabel García Tesoro (, Universidad de Antioquia, Faculta de Comunicaciones y Filología, Calle 67 No. 53-108, Medellín, Colombia.
García Tesoro, A. I. (2022). The discourse marker ya también in Andean Spanish. Boletín De Filología, 57(1), pp. 77–96. Retrieved from