This paper explores the geolectal dimension of the aoristic uses of the present perfect (he cantado) in European Spanish. To that end, a bank of samples of oral speech gathered from the Audible Corpus of Spoken Rural Spanish will be analysed with the aim of mapping the area of influence of these uses and showing if their distribution in peninsular Spanish abides by any identifiable geographic pattern. Namely, it will be argued that the aoristic uses of the present perfect are a characteristic phenomenon of the Northern Central zone of the Iberian Peninsula and that their approximate area of influence broadly overlaps with the Castilian dialectal domain. These data will be connected to the particular traits of this linguistic area and to the diachronical processes of functional expansion of the Spanish perfect tense. This analysis will demonstrate that this spread is greater in those areas where this form has historically shown a more robust use compared to the rest. Thus, the geolectal nature of a syntactic phenomenon not considered until now within the framework ofGeolinguistics will be unveiled.
present perfect, aorist, European Spanish, Castilian Spanish, Geolinguistics, Audible Corpus of Spoken Rural Spanish
Author Biography
Borja Alonso Pascua, Universidad de Salamanca
Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Borja Alonso Pascua (, Universidad de Salamanca, Departamento de Lengua Española, Palacio de Anaya, Plaza de Anaya s/n, 37008, Salamanca, España.
Alonso Pascua, B. (2021). The geolectal dimension of the aoristic present perfect in european spanish. Boletín De Filología, 56(2), pp. 291–322. Retrieved from