In this paper we intend to establish the preliminary concepts of what is understood by demonym. Given that a demonym is a designative category, this concept must be addressed from an architectural standpoint. Therefore, we will try to define the demonym from an onomasiological, a syntactic, and a morphological perspective. We will mostly approach the latter, the morphological level, since it is one of the most fructiferous levels when studying the demonym, especially for the broad possibilities converging in its construction. Consequently, we will focus on the suffixes that operate in this derivational process, and present a table showing, among other aspects, the most productive, relatively productive, and scarcely productive suffixes in Spanish.
Kordic Riquelme, R., & Chávez Fajardo, S. (2017). What is a demonym. Onomasiological, syntactic and morphological approaches. Prolegomena. Boletín De Filología, 52(1), pp. 213–244. Retrieved from