Traditional grammarians have pointed out a co reference relation between the constituents in apposition. They argue that this semantic equivalence allows the two component structures to be easily reversible. Some authors tend to associate apposition with paraphrase, which is usually defined as a restatement of the meaning of a text orpassage using other words. Within the framework of the Cognitive-Prototype Theory, we have stated in previous studies (Barbeito,1999 and 2007a) that speakers use apposition to (re)conceptualizein a different way an entity already mentioned. Also that apposition shows a great degree of coherence between its component structures. This paper deals with a qualitative description of semantic, pragmaticand syntactic features of apposition in order to establish the relationbetween apposition and paraphrase. We argue that apposition is agrammaticalization of prototypical paraphrasing strategies.
Barbeito, V. A. (2013). Apposition as paraphrased strategy. Boletín De Filología, 48(1), Pág. 11 – 31. Retrieved from