The independence movements that develop in the American territoriesthroughout the nineteenth century bring with them a reflection aboutthe Spanish American linguistic situation which, to a certain extent,will influence the perception of the language and its social functionuntil the beginning of the twentieth century. This article focuseson the fundamental elements that are involved in the linguisticconstruction of the American identity, in which the Spanish languageis a necessary and constant reference. In this process, the language hasa transcendental role as a symbol of each country's identity, as well asbeing a strong factor of cohesion among the young American nations.The differing opinions of the main thinkers of the emancipationmovements generate a very active interest in the study of the languageand the search for an expression of national identity.
American Spanish, history of linguistic thought, linguistic policy, American Spanish sociolinguistics
Author Biography
Eva Bravo García, Universidad de Sevilla
Eva Bravo García (, Departamento de Lengua Española, Lingüística y Teoría de la Literatura, Facultad de Filología, Universidadde Sevilla, c/ Palos de la Frontera, s/n, 41004 - Sevilla, España.
Bravo García, E. (2010). The linguistic construction of Spanish America’s identity. Boletín De Filología, 45(1). Retrieved from