Honest, impolite, and wicked: an analysis of telenovelas character fanpages


  • Daniel Rios Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Dandara Magalhães Universidade Federal Fluminense


It is noticeable an increase in the number of fanpages creating their own identity based upon Brazilian telenovelas’ characters. Even more, most of them posts image macro format. Such image macro format is a pattern widely associated to the phenomenon of memes on Internet. This article argues that content producers strategically operate and display the language of memes to encourage their followers commitment. To understand such process, we map and analyze the content of the five-page publications, trying to identify whether there is a strategy explicitly involved and whether the contents are linker to the telenovela’s plot. The study found out that pages frequently change their structure and generally deploy a type of humor targeting people’s daily lives. This practice points to the different ways in which the telenovela, a television product widely consumed in Latin America, is appropriated and used in the making of content circulated online.


telenovelas, character pages, humor, memes, image macros


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